UH AI in Digital Humanities

Bat-Erdene Batsukh

1School of Information and Communication Management, University of the Humanities, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Correspondence: Bat-Erdene Batsukh, School of Information and Communication Management, University of the Humanities, Sukhbaatar square 20, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Tel: 976-8805-9362. E-mail: [email protected]


In the era of digitalization in every industry, the whole world is working to incorporate artificial intelligence into everyday use. Although it is commendable that a number of artificial intelligence programs are in use, the Mongolian language is unsupported by most of them. As a consequence, user requests are responded either using online sources or translating the answers. In addition, there is definitely a need to correctly express and explain the knowledge, based on the scientific and reliable sources. The world’s top universities are cooperating with artificial intelligence software developers to advance AI powered digital assistant that works only within the university environment. In reference to it, this fundamental research has been carried out with the aim of creating a “UH AI” artificial intelligence powered digital assistant that will work within the UH network (Video 1).

Video 1. “UH AI” digital assistant’s English conversation workflow

The feature of our system is that the artificial intelligence model is an in-house model that has been developed and fine-tuned, and the user interface is completely independent of any online sources. In other words, it is able to work in an internal server even in an off-line environment (without internet access). In this way, Mongolian students have been able to have a conversation with our program in their native language or in the language of their choice without using expensive cloud-based artificial intelligence software if they want to deepen their knowledge about the subjects they are studying (Video 2).

Video 2. “UH AI” digital assistant’s Mongolian conversation workflow

Furthermore, it can be used as a smart assistant not only in education sector, but also in museums and other business sectors. The AI software we are currently developing is capable of giving accurate responses to the questions about the Mongolian “ger” in both text and speech form using data prepared within the framework of the ARTEST project in collaboration with the exchange students (University of the Humanities, Otgontenger University, University of Cologne, University of the Peloponnese and International Hellenic University).

Figure 1. “UH AI” digital assistant’s speech to text, prompt engineering and text to speech process interface

The followings are the advantages of the program (Figure 1):

  • If you have a problem in understanding the content of the subjects you are studying, you may discuss it.
  • It will help you to explore the subject and discipline in depth.
  • It may answer any questions regarding the content of the subject even if a teacher is not present.
  • Some restrictions can be added /restrictions such as not doing homework, not writing code, etc./
  • Knowledge base of our system can be expanded with the content of each module on the Canvas LMS
  • It responds either in text or speech form.
  • System can learn any discipline as an optional extra.
  • A scientific article or given text can be summarized.  

We will continue to improve its quality, security and speed in giving responses.

This article was written by Bat-Erdene Batsukh as a result article for ARTEST project activities.



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